Samarkand, Uzbekistan 17 February 2024 – The Convention on Migratory Species (CMS) Conference of Parties (COP) concluded on 17 February with the adoption of a Resolution which urges member countries not to engage in, or support, deep-sea mining until sufficient and robust scientific information has been obtained to ensure that deep-sea mining exploitation activities do not cause harmful effects on migratory marine species, their prey and ecosystems.
The adoption of the Resolution by the CMS COP highlights yet another global, multilateral organization taking a strong stance on this controversial industry.
Sofia Tsenikli, DSCC Deep Sea Mining Moratorium Campaign Lead said: “ The CMS COP has sent a strong message in favor of precaution. We now urge all member countries of the International Seabed Authority to urgently establish a deep-sea mining moratorium on this speculative, extractive industry. Deep-sea mining isn’t just about extracting minerals from the deep-sea, it’s about disturbing the very fabric of oceanic life.”
Speaking from the COP, Sandrine Polti, DSCC Europe Lead added: “ If permitted, commercial-scale mining is expected to operate 24 hours a day, at varying depths, with each operation authorized to run for decades. As well as the direct and immediate impacts on the deep-sea ecosystems actually mined, existing scientific studies indicate that there are likely to be wider effects on the marine environment, including for migratory species and the species and ecosystems they rely upon. This Resolution recognises the importance of the deep sea to multiple species in the ocean and sends a strong message that States should not be engaging in or supporting mining ”.
The meeting of the CMS COP 14, took place 12-17 February, Samarkand, Uzbekistan.
Information, including Parties, on the Convention of Migratory Species